The National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) has been working closely with Silverstone Edge for four years during which time we have undertaken a range of strategic facilitation engagements.
As a start-up Agency in a highly sensitive political and social environment facilitation engagements are deeply complex and diverse in nature. Silverstone Edge has developed rich experience in facilitating workshops, forums and events where the attendee profiles have included visually and hearing-impaired participants, Auslan translators, mobility and intellectually impaired participants.
Development of the NDIA Go-Live Narrative story
An off-site action-lab style workshop attended by a cross–section of 40 staff to capture issues and concerns, achievements and motivation for the formal launch of the Agency on July 1st, 2017. Facilitation required active inclusion of a diverse audience from a variety of backgrounds and experiences coming together to capture a wireframe to build an infographic narrative story.
Development of LBGTIQA+ Policy
Working with the policy branch to design and facilitate a highly sensitive LBGTIQA+ communities consultation workshop to discuss the Agency’s policy direction, this engagement was acutely complex in nature. It was attended by only 3 Agency staff, 46 disabled members of the communities and our facilitator working with our Sketch Artist to live capture the event. Pace, language and nuance were finely tuned to ensure we created a safe environment that allowed vulnerable and outspoken people to find their voice.
Engagement: Multiple workshop facilitations